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Ferrum Wandla MQA/DSD/DXD DAC 旗艦解碼前級 - GoldenSound Edition

Ferrum Wandla MQA/DSD/DXD DAC 旗艦解碼前級 - GoldenSound Edition

✨ 預計訂貨三個月 ✨

🌟 廠方調整 ESS 9038Pro DAC
🌟 1個模擬,6個數碼輸入
🌟 數碼或模擬音量控制
🌟 混合式電源供應
🌟 超高解像度觸控顯示屏
🌟 不支援 MQA
🌟 5 個數碼 Filter 音色控制
🌟 發燒級模擬放大線路

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Elevating Your Audio Experience with the Ferrum WANDLA GoldenSound Edition DAC

Digital Headroom: The Key to Pristine Sound
The Ferrum WANDLA GoldenSound Edition DAC stands out in the world of digital-to-analog converters with its elevated digital headroom. In an era dominated by the Loudness Wars, where modern musical tracks often suffer from minimal headroom, leading to clipping and distortion, the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition shines. Its enhanced headroom ensures that even the most dynamic transients are accurately reconstructed, allowing you to enjoy your music without the added distortion that plagues most DACs. This feature, combined with its DSP functions, allows for a tailored sound experience that meets your personal preferences.

Spatial Enhancement: Expanding Your Soundstage
Experience an expanded soundstage and improved clarity of separation between musical elements with the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition's unique spatial enhancement feature. Powered by the Ferrum SERCE module, this enhancement is available in both Headphone Mode and Speaker Mode, ensuring a tailored experience for each use-case. Unlike other approaches that may color the sound or add unwanted effects, the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition maintains the purity of your music, providing an immersive listening experience without any additional distortion or coloration.

Tube Mode: Warmth Without Compromise
For those who love the warmth and richness of tube amplifiers, the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition offers a Tube Mode that simulates the even-order harmonic distortion characteristic of tube amps. This feature allows you to enjoy a warmer sound without altering the frequency response or introducing the drawbacks typically associated with tube-based devices, such as increased noise. It's the perfect way to add a touch of warmth to your music without compromising on sound quality.

Hardware Voltage Adjustment: Versatility Meets Precision
The WANDLA GoldenSound Edition takes versatility to the next level with its hardware-level output voltage adjustment feature. Whether you need just below 10 Vrms for high-powered setups or just below 4 Vrms for compatibility with all amplifiers, this DAC has you covered. By using a dedicated hardware voltage divider, you can switch between output voltages without relying on digital volume control or having analog volume control components in the signal path. This precision ensures optimal performance and compatibility with your audio system.

Impact+: Elevate Your Bass Experience
For those who crave a bit more low-end in their music, the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition's Impact+ feature is a game-changer. Unlike a basic bass-shelf, Impact+ uses a customized two-band EQ to not only elevate the bass but also add punch and dynamic impact to your music. It's the perfect way to enhance the listening experience without sacrificing the overall balance of your sound.

No MQA: Pure, Unadulterated Sound
In a bold move, the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition has foregone MQA processing, ensuring that your music remains in its purest PCM form unless you choose to enable one of the sound tuning features. This decision maximizes the processing power of the WANDLA's SERCE module for the DSP functions, providing a seamless and uncompromised listening experience.

Embrace the GoldenSound Experience
The Ferrum WANDLA GoldenSound Edition DAC is a testament to the pursuit of audio perfection. With its elevated digital headroom, unique spatial enhancement, and thoughtful features like Tube Mode, Hardware Voltage Adjustment, and Impact+, this DAC is designed to elevate your listening experience. Whether you're an audiophile seeking the ultimate sound quality or a music enthusiast looking for a richer, more immersive experience, the WANDLA GoldenSound Edition is sure to impress.

Tomorrow’s High End Audio Today
As The Converter WANDLA leads the way for tomorrow’s high end at tentative price levels. WANDLA offers flagship audio quality at an unprecedented price.

WANDLA fully balanced DAC/PREAMP
Proprietary IC power amp design
Proprietary optimised-for-audio digital inputs (USB-C, Optical and Coaxial S/PDIF, ARC, I2S, AES/EBU)
Proprietary HQ Player filters (eight in total, three accessible at launch)
Proprietary 4-pin Ferrum connector for HYPSOS
Balanced XLR and unbalanced RCA line outputs
Digital and Analogue volume control
EES Sabre ES9038PRO with seven filter setting
Finely tuned DA conversion

WANDLA is the embodiment of Ferrum’s digital know-how and their in house developed analogue audio and electrical technology. The ESS Sabre ES9038PRO current to voltage (I/V) converter is fine-tuned to perform to its maximum.

Dynamic Digital Filtering
WANDLA has seven ESS digital filters to choose from as standard and, as a world first, lets its audience vote the best from a total of eight WANDLA filters, created for Ferrum by renowned filter-maker HQ Player

Optimized Digital inputs
Specially programmed USB, and tuned coaxial and optical S/PDIF, ARC (TV) and I2S ports, optimized for audio

Truly Balanced
The signal path stays truly balanced using the XLR inputs and becomes truly balanced using the RCA inputs.

Enhanced transparency
The whole design is focussed on a balanced and very transparent sound signature, making listening fatigue something of the past.

Made for HYPSOS
While WANDLA performs very good right out of the box it is made to excel above and beyond when used together with HYPSOS. Using the proprietary Ferrum Power Link (FPL) connection both components will perform to their maximum, unleashing unheard of musicality

Unique output cable design: two wires delivering the power and two wires providing the feedback to ensure flat voltage at every moment. We named this technique Ferrum Power Link (FPL) and it eliminates the harmful effects of the cable's resistance effectively improving transient response. The current delivery speed at the powered device's input is significantly improved.

WANDLA comes with a carefully selected DC power adapter. To get the most out of WANDLA you can connect it with HYPSOS using our proprietary Ferrum Power Link DC power cable. This FPL cable can be ordered separately.


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