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Pro-Ject Phono Box S2 唱頭放大器

Pro-Ject Phono Box S2 唱頭放大器

類型: MM動磁/MC動圈 唱頭放大器
尺寸: 103 x 36 x 115 mm
顏色: 銀色, 黑色

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{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}

以優惠價加購商品 (最多 {{ addItemQuantity }} 件)

Pro-Ject Accu Box S2 蓄電式升級電源 (黑色)
優惠價 HK$3,000.00

Pro-Ject Accu Box S2 蓄電式升級電源 (銀色)
優惠價 HK$3,000.00


一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Setting new standards for entry level phono stages!

Phono Box S was one of our favourite products, it offered unrivalled sonics and versitality at a very affordable price. When we started creating Phono Box S2, its successor, it had to have exactly that but improve on sound even further. Phono Box S2 features incredible micro-details, dynamics and precision with a soundstage usually found in much more expensive products. The new S2 style housing is made of an aluminium/metal sandwich construction and not only offers highest aesthetics but also out-standingly protects it from unwanted electromagnetic interferences and vibrations. This guarantees for an undisturbed listening experience without worries. The switches on the bottom of the unit allow fine tuning the sound to your preferences and adjusting Phono Box S2 to any available cartridge!

Phono Box S was considered the best option of all entry-level phono stages by many acclaimed hifi magazines, Phono Box S2 is sure to follow its predecessor‘s footsteps and will set new standards at this price point!

Compatible upgrade power supply: Accu Box S2

Audiophile Performance
Dual mono configuration
Audiophile-grade amplification modules
Audiophile-grade polypropylene WIMA capacitors
Precise RIAA equalisation
Switchable Subsonic filter –12dB @ 20Hz
Switchable input impedance/capacitance
4 adjustable gain levels
Outstanding sound quality

Input impedance: 10/100/1k/47kOhms
Input capacitance: 100/200/320/420pF
Gain switch: 40/43/60/63dB
Subsonic switch: -12dB @ 20Hz
Signal-to-noise ratio: 85dB
THD+N: 0,01% MM/ 0,05% MC
RIAA accuracy: < 0,4dB / 20Hz - 20kHz
In/Out sockets: 1 pair RCA connectors
Power consumption: 18V/85mA
Outboard power supply: 18Volt DC/500mA
Dimensions (WxHxD): 103 x 36 x 104 (115) mm
Face plate colour: silver or black
Weight: 570 g net


  • 陳列室自取 - 香港銅鑼灣屈臣道 4-6 號海景大廈 B 座 10 樓 1010-1012 室
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{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}