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Pachanko Labs Stellar LPS 音響專用線性電源供應

Pachanko Labs Stellar LPS 音響專用線性電源供應

🌟 鋁合金外殼
🌟 200 VA O 型鐵芯 Mu-金屬封裝變壓器
🌟 超低噪音
🌟 非常快速的操作
🌟 具有極端聲波性能的單級專有調節
🌟 冷凍處理 OCC 無氧銅內部接線
🌟 雙定制電壓輸出
🌟 紋波噪聲 <0.2uV(<0.6uV 滿載)
🌟 T3.15A 5x20mm 工業級保險絲

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{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
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{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


The High-Dnd Linear Power Supply for serious Audiophiles. Extremely low noise with double regulated and super capacitor technology. Ohno continuous casting internal wiring with deep cryo process are used inside the power supply. The transformer is enclosed in a stainless steel shell for additional shielding and noise suppression. The Pachanko Stellar LPS use a vibration isolation mounting system that cancelling chassis vibration which can affect the regulator circuitry. Every components are chosen to reach a top level of restitution. No ground choke are used because it provides dull and less dynamic sound. Customers can chose voltage on each rail output. 
This LPS is an extra upgrade and can give a significant improvement to your setup. 
Pachanko “O Core” Transformers
Hand-crafting with passion the heart of our powered Audio components 
Pachanko Labs seek perfection in our product performance.
We produce by hand each and every Toroidal O-Core Transformer that powers our units.
We believe the transformer to be the heart of our powered products. We want pure and clean current to flow through our units.
Rather than basing our products around off-the-shelf solutions we take pride in custom manufacturing all our special transformer units.
We manufacture and install our Audio-O-Tec Toroidal O Core Transformers (ATOC) in our Internally Powered or multi-unit products.
Our Constellation Reference, SE and Masterpiece Audio Transport series along with our Stellar and UPS power supply series all carry our ATOC transformers.
ATOC transformers have a ring appearance and a perfectly round core shape. This uniform design leads to minimal leakage current compared to other types of transformers (toroidal, “R”).
Our single-wire and hand-spun transformers guarantee uniform winding with the highest-purity copper or silver wiring and low DCR per turn.
ATOC transformers offer the lowest possible noise level and ensure the highest performance of Pachanko Audio components.
Built with care for your best audio experience. 

Stellar LPS Specifications
- Aluminium anodized case
- 200 VA O-Core Mu-Metal Encapsulated Transformer
- Ultra Low noise
- Very fast operation
- Single stage proprietary regulation with extreme sonic performances
- OCC cryo internal wiring
- Dual custom voltage output 
- Ripple noise <0.2uV (<0.6uV Full Load)
- T3.15A 5x20mm Industrial Fuse 
- Supplied with 1m DC cables
- Dimensions : 240 x 120 x 260mm (W x D x H)
- Build time 3-4 weeks
- 2 Years Warranty


  • 陳列室自取 - 香港炮台山屈臣道 4-6 號海景大廈 B 座 10 樓 1010-1012 室
  • 特別安排運送方式 (請填上地址並需與職員聯絡)
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  • 7-11便利店取件 ((☆☆☆全單滿 $1000 即享順豐免運費☆☆☆))
  • 辦公室/住宅地址直送 (經順豐速運) (☆☆☆全單滿 $1000 即享順豐免運費☆☆☆)


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{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}