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PSI AVAA C214 數碼主動式駐波消除器 (1隻)

PSI AVAA C214 數碼主動式駐波消除器 (1隻)

PSI AVAA 瑞士研發,巿場上唯一 DSP 主動式 “低音陷阱”,為大家解決 “低音駐波” 問題💕 低音不再臃腫,更好分析力,響應更平順👍🏻 特色 1. 媲美 45 倍容積的舊式 “低音陷阱” 2. 自動去除 15週 至 160週 的多餘駐波 3. 無需調校,即插即用 4. 適用於任何房間 5. 一個 AVAA 效能很高,兩個 AVAA 同時用,效果更佳🤭

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{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



{{'products.quick_cart.out_of_number_hint'| translate}}

{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


The new AVAA C214 stands aside its world-famous sibling, the AVAA C20.
The innovative AVAA technology absorbs room modes from 15 Hz to 160 Hz with an equivalent absorption area up to 45 times its size and without requiring calibration or tuning.

Working from 15 Hz to 160 Hz
The AVAA is pressure based absorber.
Whether you have 1 or multiple disturbing room modes, the AVAA C214 will absorb all of these that are present in its location.

AVAA is a revolution
Based on the same absorption principles as the AVAA C20, the AVAA C214 is fully digital and allows control via an app.

No calibration required
Simply place it where your room modes are and it will absorb them. No calibration required.

High efficiency
As effective as a perfect passive absorber up to 45 x its size.

Digital solution
Ultra low latency processing via 2 independent DSPs.

Works in any type of room
The AVAA C214 can be used anywhere: recording/mixing/mastering studios, OB Vans, hifi listening rooms, machine rooms, etc.

Absorption only
Thanks to our technology, there is no signal emitted, only absorption.

Plug and Play
No calibration required. Simply place it where the room modes are.

Take it from your recording room to your mixing studio easily.


  • 陳列室自取 - 香港炮台山屈臣道 4-6 號海景大廈 B 座 10 樓 1010-1012 室
  • 特別安排運送方式 (請填上地址並需與職員聯絡)
  • 運輸連同另一訂單一併寄出
  • 順便智能櫃取件 (☆☆☆全單滿 $500 即享順豐免運費☆☆☆)
  • OK便利店取件 ((☆☆☆全單滿 $1000 即享順豐免運費☆☆☆))
  • 順豐營業點 ((☆☆☆全單滿 $1000 即享順豐免運費☆☆☆))
  • 7-11便利店取件 ((☆☆☆全單滿 $1000 即享順豐免運費☆☆☆))


  • 轉數快
  • 八達通(Octopus)
  • 陳列室付款
  • 銀行轉帳/ATM
  • 支付寶 (HK)
  • 微信支付
  • 信用卡
  • Apple Pay
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}