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Zavfino Highlands MKII 唱臂訊號線 (1.5m)

Zavfino Highlands MKII 唱臂訊號線 (1.5m)

Highlands MK2 Pure Silver Phono Cable

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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The Highlands is our signature series low capacitance tonearm cable is precision engineered for high-end analogue reproduction. Construction consists of 4 independent evenly matched cores of Solid Pure Silver at 99.998% purity utilizing our H-Wound technique of  high pitch stranding. Each color coded core is extruded in FEP/Tef and are spiral twisted followed by an aluminum mylar wrap combined with a silver plated multi-strand tight pitch braided shield for full coverage against stray signal interference. Over the shield are two layers of RoHS certified PVC followed by two Polyethylene terephthalate(PET) monofilament sleeves. RCA’s are our newest design OCC pin high conductivity connectors, which are a low mass design insulated with PTFE/Tef. Finally, The Highlands utilizes our 5pin high purity, PTFE/Tef insulated DIN that internally uses our anti-stress pin construction ensuring against conductor fatigue and providing optimum performance for many years to come.

The Highlands was designed for the truly discriminating music lover. Its purist approach reproduces the original performance with clarity, focus and dynamic authority. Brilliantly energetic, it’s sonic performance is both clean and transparent with accurate imaging and depth while providing a wide yet three dimensional listening area. Superb at every level The Highlands is the perfect choice for the most demanding systems and setups.

Conductor: Pure Solid Silver Litz  Conductors, tight pitch construction low capacitance
Insulations: FEP/Tef  dielectric, PTFE dielectric, ­fiberglass braided silicone coated breakouts, R-Flex 105C degree PVC jacket
Cryo Treated Conductor 
Ultra Sonic-7 Cleaning & Thermal break-in
Shield: Aluminum mylar with silver coated copper tight pitch braidShield: 50cm SPOFC ground wire with 24k gold plated ground clip
Connector Female (DIN): 1877 TAD-2 straight or TAD-3R right angle DIN, 24k gold plated high purity copper insulated in PTFE/Tef utilizing 1877 anti-stress pin construction.
Connector Male (RCA): 1877 ZXP-series with OCC copper pin assembly in 24k gold, 
Sleeve 1: Polyethylene terephthalate(PET) monofilament sleeve with anti-static ­fiber green
Sleeve 2: Polyethylene terephthalate(PET) monofilament sleeve PET/PET black
Note: Majestic, Highlands, & Gold Rush tonearm cable  (RCA-RCA version) use a different RCA due to shielding considerations.


  • 陳列室自取 - 香港銅鑼灣屈臣道 4-6 號海景大廈 B 座 10 樓 1010-1012 室
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