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Pro-Ject T2 W 串流黑膠唱盤

Pro-Ject T2 W 串流黑膠唱盤

從大受歡迎產品Pro-ject T1 BT藍牙唱盤中,帶來更進一步進化。用上WiFi串流技術,讓黑膠唱片獨有魅力,帶到家中WiFi無線網路中。只需接上電源及家中WiFi,就可以隨意無限製地擺放Pro-ject T2 W唱盤。讓家中多種WiFi無線網絡喇叭及播放器(支援UPNP播放),一同串流播放黑膠音樂。有效改善藍牙接駁的「一對一」限制,與及藍牙接駁距離問題,帶來更進步的串流穩定性。

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


The T2 W intelligently enhances our highly acclaimed T1 formula while introducing our innovative Wi-Fi streaming technology. This groundbreaking feature enables seamless streaming to a wide range of modern network-enabled audio devices, including HiFi streamers, network-enabled home theater A/V receivers, and contemporary streaming loudspeakers. Such versatility empowers you to effortlessly integrate the T2 W into any living space, taking modern lifestyle concepts to an entirely new level.

We have added the latest Wi-Fi technology into the package, including all the latest WLAN standards. The T2 W can either stream in our standard compressed format – enabling maximum compatibility – or in 24bit/48kHz lossless, for selected high-end streamers like our Stream Box S2 Ultra. To check if your streaming gear is compatible with our T2 W or can even play the lossless stream, check out our in depth FAQ section down below!
All this is multiroom capable as well, meaning you could send hundreds of audio streams to as many receiving devices as you like, before the T2 W multi-core CPU or Wi-Fi bandwidth start to crackle down.
The new „Pro-Ject Control“ App offers a fast and intuitive user experience, while the Wi-Fi setup can be effortlessly accomplished through modern BLE functionality, simplifying the setup process.

• NEW Works with most UPNP network enabled streaming products (Smart TVs, home theater A/V receivers, strea- ming loudspeakers)
• NEW Latest Wi-Fi technology and standards, 2.4/5GHz with 2x2 MIMO, up to 866 mbps speed (= 346 concurrent 24/48 lossless audio streams)
• NEW Standard lossy and optional lossless stream - up to 24bit/48kHz (see our compatibility FAQ)
• NEW „Pro-Ject Control“ App
• NEW Multiroom capable
• NEW High-quality dual-stage split-passive MM phono preamp
• NEW 9“ highly precise one-piece aluminium tonearm
• NEW Spring based anti-skating system
• NEW Counterweight with nickel finish
• NEW larger chassis for higher stability
• NEW Preadjusted Sumiko Rainier (MSRP 175€)
• NEW 10mm, 1,7kg zero-resonance glass platter
• Speed control with electronic speed switch
• Acrylic dustcover with adjustable hinges
• Semi-symmetrical phono cable with metal connectors
• Available in high gloss Black, satin White and Walnut
• Handmade in Europe

Speed: 33,45 RPM (electronic speed change) Principle: Belt drive
Speed variance: 33: 0,6% 45: 0,5%
Wow & Flutter: 33: 0,19% 45: 0,17%
Platter: 10mm thick, 1,7kg heavy glass platter with felt mat Main bearing: Stainless steel/brass
Signal to noise: 67dB
Tonearm: 9” aluminium
Effective arm length: 230 mm
Overhang: 22.0 mm
Effective tonearm mass: 9.5 g
WLAN standards: IEEE 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2 MIMO; 2.4/5GHz
Included accessories: dustcover, feltmat, singles adapter, power supply, phono RCA cable
Power Supply: 15V / 800 mA DC, universal power supply Power consumption: 4,5 W / <2W in network stand-by Dimensions: 542 x 300 x 412mm (WxHxD)
Weight: 5,5 kg net


  • 陳列室自取 - 香港炮台山屈臣道 4-6 號海景大廈 B 座 10 樓 1010-1012 室
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